First bus will be running their usual service through Nailsea again until Monday 16th September and therefore the NDCT minibus service is suspended until further notice.Further updates on the NDCT minibus service from 16th September will be available shortly.

NDCT Services

NDCT will be running a temporary Dial a Ride service in and out of Nailsea, starting on Thursday 22th August, to assist residents finding it difficult to get into Nailsea, due to the suspension of the X9 service.
People cut off from accessing the X9 into Nailsea, can use the NDCT minibus service from the following locations starting at 11.00am and returning at 13.00hrs on a Tuesday and Thursday, whilst the disruption is on going.

Donations towards the cost of the service are gratefully received.

NDCT phone line is open from 9.00am – 15.30 Monday to Friday -01275 855552